Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Prayer Guy

I think that it's a pretty common tradition within Christ-following families to have a go-to prayer guy. Prayer guy (or girl) is the one person you know is going to lead the prayer at family events. In the greater Eisenhart family, my dad was always the prayer guy. Every Christmas, the Eisenhart family with all the aunts and uncles, nieces, nephews and Grandma would get together at a rotating location to celebrate Christmas. And I knew that before we headed over to the overstuffed table filled with all the Christmas classic food that I had waited the last 364 days for... the ham, the desserts, that thing with the jello and pretzels... my dad was going to pray. After that, we'd fill our plates and cram into any spot that we could find and begin the process of catching up on all the latest family news as well as re-telling the same old stories that we had all heard 100's of times! (I do look forward to this!)
So on to my point, for the last 2 years, following the passing of my dad, my uncle has asked me to be prayer guy. It's kind of a big deal to me, and I'm not sure why. I guess I was the default guy since I work in the church, but it was totally unexpected and a great honor to me. I actually got butterflies in my stomach this year when I was about to pray, which seems pretty silly to me. It's almost like the "Christmas Prayer" is the most important prayer of the year, or at least a strong top 3! I'm not sure I have a point to this or a deep theological concept to pass along to you, I just was thinking about it and wanted to pass it on.
I guess that what blogging is for. I'll try to be more interesting next time!

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